Probably figuring things out

Not Daniel @DanielIsAlive

Age 20, Male

Forever studying


Swordless Mimetown

Joined on 1/19/24

Exp Points:
2,526 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.76 votes
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B/P Bonus:

Going places

Posted by DanielIsAlive - 1 month ago

I cracked 200k today! Well, a couple hours ago since I didn't really notice until just now. Not sure what the overall user stats are on ng right now, but still, not too shabby I figure. Getting close to 10k medals in total as well, so that's nice.iu_1268278_20784000.pngAnd as it turns out, I'm in the top 3000 active users, or so I'm guessing, since I got an invite for monthly voting. Isn't that something?

Got to the top 400 in B&P ranks too it looks like. I actually checked around if I was ever placed on the funny number, but nah, it just went right from 419 to 421. Bit of a bummer (ok not really, though that would have made for a once in a lifetime screenshot).


As for life uhhh

I'm on break right now. WIth the weather being as unpredicatable as it is, I'm not doing as much outside as I'd like to. Lots of stuff I haven't been able to do this year (9 months already huh?), but maybe I'll make up for it on halloween and if not then, definitely christmas, even if that's mainly thanks to student events. Other than that, not much else to report on. I guess I'm trying to get back to drawing, increase my lifting weights and hoping to reach some old high school friends before uni starts up again? I'm not procrastinating as much as half-assing those things at the moment, though there might not be all that much of a discernible difference in the end. Only time will tell.

You have a good day/night, newgrounds



Congratulations!!! A great start for a future champion :)

Thanks Andrey20. You seem doing quite well yourself. If anything, I might actually be lagging behind a little. Let's all keep it up!

Phew. 200k points. That digit definitely represents 'some time' playing games around here. It must have been harder to achieve than people may actually think. Congratulations o7.

Thank you. Honestly, it's most often split between playing games you're into and breezing through more tedious ones. There's some satisfaction to either so getting points gets done faster than you realize! The whole "do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life" might apply here I guess lol

@Gekkotsuki In fact, it is not very difficult to score 200,000 medal points.

@Andrey20 Hmm. I suppose that you're right, and I also suppose that I didn't use the most 'proper' terms to 'congratulate' him for his achievement in this case, although what I originally wanted to intend to say in my previous comment was that the achievement 'must have been harder to reach than people may actually think', but not due to the 'difficulty' itself of the mentioned achievement, but for the 'patience' and 'time' (which, allow me to think that it have musn't been an exactly 'small' amount) that it must have actually taken to him to reach that quantity of points. Allow me to apologize if I didn't make myself clear enough. It's my bad.

(P.s: I've just given a quick look to your profile and I've noticed that you also managed to score 200k points as well. Belated congratulations for you too o7.)

@Gekkotsuki We all make mistakes and that's okay, thank you for the congratulations.

@DanielIsAlive But there were moments when you had more medal points than me, but when I saw that you started getting medals less often, I realized that I had time to overtake you, and as you can see, I did it.

How did you speedrun being a commander?