Our subject is Ju Li, a 25 year old computer hardware engineer born in China. She follows Islam, an approved religious belief. During The Incident, Ju Li was in China working when she saw a one-eyed man. She claims she is closest to her grandfather.
We learned a lot about Clara Li, Ju's sister and member of radical Buddhist group 'Four Truths': she is 50, is a computer hardware engineer, is in China, never revealed why she converted to Buddhism, ran away from home Before The Incident, and is in a relationship with Alexander Patel - which we can use to get to her. A team has been sent to pick Alexander up for interrogation.
Ju Li admitted to killing a single person, and says she remembers everything that day. Ju Li claims she lost 1 family member during The Incident.
Based on our interrogation, we determined that Ju Li was recruited by her sister Clara into Buddhist terrorist group 'Four Truths' but became possessed by telepathic aliens and had her memory wiped before being usedfor more sinister purposes in The Incident.
Punishment: Indefinite detention.