
66 Game Reviews

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Nice archive. Really encapsulates the essence of the early 2010s with all the randomness, edgy shitposting and half-assed parodies, all with genuine passion behind them. Really makes you nostalgic for that time, even if you weren't there to fully experience it. Kinda sad to find that I couldn't find anything on SoupSquad.com except for a domain on sale and a defunct forum. I guess you'll always have the memories, right?

Edit: Just got all the new medals. Christ, I will never look at microsoft agents the same way again.

Kolumbo responds:

Thank you! The memories live on, indeed, along with some captures over on the wayback machine

Dope. The gameplay's simplicity tricks you into making perfectly avoidable mistakes. And instead of giving you a chance to try again right away, it throws you back and forces you to rack your brain for a solution to a problem you had just solved so easily before. That mechanic really makes this game I think. Great little brainteaser.

All hail Crokel!

My nam3 iz Walt3r Hartw3ll Whit3. I liv3 at 308 N36ra Arr0y0 Lan3, Albuqu3rqu3, N3w M3xic0, 87104. Thiz iz my c0nf3$$i0n.

>be me

>browse newgrounds and find neat looking game

>horse walks in

Deaen responds:

calculator walks in

This slaps

Wegra responds:

Quite literally

Solid game. Nice overhaul of the first Dark Sword. First time I played it none of the medals worked for some reason. Now most of them did, but Cathralon and Hirunga aren't unlocking for me. Other than that, no real complaints. I'll look forward to the steam release.

MrDoth responds:

Thanks for your review my man! And the thing of the medals is really sad, Newgrounds API have been a nightmare because the updates of the game engine are having more problems of compatibility with newgrounds every time :(

This was a horrible experience and an affront to humanity itself. Like Hong Kong 97 on laxatives.
5 stars.

wackymuffin responds:

Dunno if humanity can recover from this masterpiece

AbortedKitten responds:


10/10 would lick again. Also wonderfully cursed miku.

Damn, doing a flawless run is way harder than I remember. Still love this funky little game though. I saw the Randy Learns History WIPs and can't wait for the sequel!

The main character sounds like a whiny teenage version of the tf2 scout. I love it.

Probably figuring things out

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