
66 Game Reviews

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Aight but the medals aren't unlocking

NaiceGames responds:

I'm fixing this!

Perfectly chilling game for the season. The prompts at the bottom of the screen give off the same vibe as those in 3D monster maze. Only bug I encountered is that your character gets stuck if you pass into a new area while too close to a wall, though I guess that was on me really.

Weird thing to praise in a horror game, but the map and overall town layout stuck out to me? I wasn't expecting the game to have this much of an actual town to explore and it definitely makes you want to keep looking around even after finding your dog. Really makes you FEEL like a british working class lad strolling through the suburbs during the 80s, haunted by the worst monster of all... Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher.

But really, great game. Just left wondering: what were the blue books about and are they meant to be interacted with?

Chris responds:

Thanks! I really wanted the town to feel realistic in that way rather than just a bunch of buildings dropped on a grid. I see a lot of games put towns in like this and they put a lot of space between the buildings but areas of Britain like this are tight and the houses aren't very big so I tried to replicate that the best I could in this game. I think mundane settings are much more effective for horror.

Also haha those blue books in the woods are porn mags that have been dumped there. The amount of porn that got dumped in the woods near my house I figured it wouldn't be the same if I didn't include it. Originally I was going to have it so you could check them and it'd say what they were but it was a job that just got lost somewhere along the way.

Really liking the different takes in this one. A lot of these rival the original designs (totally not gushing over this). Creative and just awesome all around.

Short and sweet. Glad to see you're back to making games

Great job on the costume designs and music. The delivery on the voice lines combined with the mic crackling was sending me sometimes. Not sure if that shows how much my humor has devolved or wheter it's because there's something inherently funny about the scandinavian accent. Probably both actually. Either way, pretty nice stuff. Happy halloween!

Edit: Just found the secret. Truly enlightening. And totally unrelated but I used to think norway was called norwegia in english because of the word norwegian. I still think about that

Nebulate responds:

Holy shit thank you! Yeah the assets like the costumes were reely fun to make. Also thx for liking my voicework (whether it being intentionaly funny or not).

aapiarts responds:

I blame Neb for being so Norway

I checked the game out after seeing chris post about it but forgot to leave a review, oops.
Really liked the mixed use for the combat skills. It felt like there was a bit much going on at first and it took a bit to get the hang of the mechanics, but I think I embraced the chaos now. Pretty fun. Not bad at all for a first entry.

Sjhillustration responds:

Thanks! The hope was that it would be a little chaotic. I had other ideas too but I didn't want to make it too complicated, so tried to keep it simple and balanced.

Got the special ending first try. Cool.
Having played the original, I didn't think this could get any more adorable in presentation. The color palettes are also a nice touch. Really reminscient of the grow games on eyemaze. Love it.

A surprising amount of content for such a short demo. I'll look forwards to the full game

Quite charming and well put together. The music really makes this game. Spoopy indeed.

Ran into a bug I think. I scored 90 on canada trivia but when I submitted there were no sounds or on-screen notifications. I did get a silver medal but no gold and my score didn't get saved either.

As always, the game itself was nice. It's interesting to learn about the stories behind the holidays, whether your own or other countries. I wonder what Vol. 2 will have to offer.

Edit: Thank you! That was quick

ElRandomGMD responds:

That was happened the same to me.

applessmillion responds:

Should be working - the medal ID was one digit off for that specific unlock so sorry for the issue!

Probably figuring things out

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